Day Six of #30dayscleansingchallenge
Sundays are always lazy hot days. Everything is slow, dry and hot. But today was very different! Summer is already here and the green...
Day Five of #30dayscleansingchallenge
Before I start, ‘If you want to save the dying farmers, eat millets’; ‘If u wish to save the planet, eat millets’. It all starts from...
Day Four of #30dayscleansingchallenge
Tea-tox is what happening today. What is it? You’ll know soon. I decided to take it light today and collected some herbs like lemongrass,...
Day Three of #30dayscleansingchallenge
Happy World Wildlife Day folks! Does it even matter? Yes, It does! We share our planet with millions of other beings who were here...
Day Two of #30dayscleansingchallenge
Well, I had some soy curd leftover from yesterday’s pudding and my south indian instincts automatically thought of curd milets (just like...
Day One of #30dayscleansingchallenge
This is Day One, and I am so exited already! With all the energy, I made some soy curd last night. As I was munching on some fresh...